Important Questions for Class 12 History Chapter 14 Understanding Partition (Politics, Memories, Experiences)

Important Questions for Class 12 History Chapter 14 Understanding Partition (Politics, Memories, Experiences)

Important Questions for Class 12 History Chapter 14 – 2 Marks Questions

Question 1.
“The relationship between India and Pakistan has been profoundly shaped by the legacy of partition.” Explain any two consequences of it. (All India 2017)
It is true that the relationship between India and Pakistan has been profoundly shaped by the legacy of partition.
The two consequences of this are:

  • Indian haters in Pakistan and Pakistan haters in India are both products of partition. Some people spread false ideas in India that Muslims are cruel, bigoted, unclean and descendants of invaders, while Hindus are kind, liberal and pure. They even wrongly believed that Indian Muslims are supporters of Pakistan.
  • Similarly in Pakistan, feeling was spread that Muslims are fair, brave, monotheists and meat-eaters, while Hindus are dark, cowardly, polytheist and vegetarians.

Question 2.
Why did the Congress not accept the proposal to form a joint government with the Muslim League in the United Provinces? Give any two reasons. (HOTS; Delhi 2012)
The two reasons were as follows:

  • The Congress had won an absolute majority in the province.
  • The Muslim League supported landlordism whereas the Congress wanted to abolish it.

Question 3.
Was the demand of the league reasonble? Comment. (Delhi 2011)
No, the demand of league was not reasonable.
It clearly demanded the partition of India on the basis of religion.

Important Questions for Class 12 History Chapter 12 – 4 Marks Questions

Question 4.
Examine the events that took place during 1920s and 1930s which consolidated the communal identities in the country.
(All India 2017)
Between 1920 and 1930, many incidents took place which created tensions. Frequent riots took place. Many Hindu organisations were formed. They carried out purification movement and started playing communal cards. Hindu identity was defined against Muslim identity by the Hindu Mahasabha. Music playing before the mosque became frequent.

Hindi became the language of the Hindus and Urdu became the language of Muslims. There were increased communal feelings within Hindus and the Muslims. Hindus were angered by the rapid spread of ‘tabligh’ (propaganda) and ‘tanzim’ (organisation) after 1923. Gaps between Hindus and Muslims widened due to these deliberate actions.

In the 1937 elections, the communal parties, the Hindu Mahasabha and the Muslim League fared poorly. Apprehensive of their survival, both the parties began to make use of religion to secure the support of the masses. The British encouraged the Muslim League and when the Congress resigned in 1939, they were invited to form the government in the provinces.

Question 5.
Analyse the provisions of Cabinet Mission of 1946. (HOTS; Delhi 2015)
Examine the recommendations of the Cabinet Mission and explain the reasons for rejecting the plan suggested by Cabinet Mission in 1946 by both Congress and the Muslim League.
Recommendations of the Cabinet Mission were as follows:

  • A loose three-tier confederation of United India.
  • A weak Central Government controlling foreign affairs, defence and communications.
  • Provincial assemblies were grouped into three sections, i.e. section A Hindu majority provinces, section B and section C Muslim-Majority provinces of the North-West and the North-East India.
  • The provinces would have their own executives and legislatures.
    Reasons of rejecting the plans were as follows: